News on drink-driving in Belgium

News on drink-driving in Belgium

As a lawyer specialising in road traffic law, here is the news from 2024 in terms of legislation and case law that I have been able to identify concerning drink-driving in Belgium.

Penalties increased Since January 2024, penalties for drink-driving have been increased. Drivers with a blood alcohol level in excess of 0.5 g/l risk immediate suspension of their driving licence, accompanied by a fine of up to EUR 2,000 for repeat offenders.

Alcohol ignition interlock devices, or alcolocks, are becoming increasingly common. This measure requires drivers convicted of drink-driving offences to install this device in their vehicle, preventing it from starting if alcohol is detected. The installation and maintenance costs are borne by the driver.

Rehabilitation programmes Repeat offenders are required to take part in rehabilitation programmes. These programmes include awareness-raising sessions on the dangers of drink-driving and psychological assessments to evaluate the driver’s ability to get back behind the wheel.

Repeat offenders: In certain cases, and after several repeat offences, prison sentences and driving licence disqualifications for physical and mental incapacity are handed down.

Practical advice:

Adopting Responsible Behaviour It is essential to remember that drinking and driving are incompatible. If you drink alcohol, use alternatives such as public transport, taxis or appoint a sober driver.

Know your rights If you are stopped for drinking, it is important to know your rights. You have the right to request a second test and to contest the results if you feel they are incorrect. Consult a specialist lawyer to help you do this.

If you have any questions or require legal assistance in matters of road traffic law, please do not hesitate to contact me