Compensation for Bodily Injury after a Road Traffic Accident in Belgium

Compensation for Bodily Injury after a Road Traffic Accident in Belgium

A road traffic accident can have serious consequences for the lives of victims, particularly in terms of bodily injury. In Belgium, the rules for compensating bodily injury aim to compensate for the damages suffered by road accident victims. Here is an overview of the main steps and elements considered for compensation.

Assessment of Bodily Injury

The first step in the compensation process is the assessment of bodily injury. This assessment is usually carried out by a medical expert who provides a detailed report on the extent of the injuries, the necessary treatments, and any permanent sequelae. This medical report serves as the basis for determining the amount of compensation.

Compensable Damages

The compensable damages in the case of bodily injury can be numerous and varied. They include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical Damage: Pain and physical suffering experienced as a result of the accident.
  • Moral Damage: The psychological and emotional impact of the accident on the victim.
  • Aesthetic Damage: Damage caused to the victim’s physical appearance.
  • Amenity Damage: Loss of ability to participate in leisure or sports activities.
  • Loss of Income: Compensation for income lost during the period of incapacity for work.
  • Medical Expenses: Reimbursement of medical expenses and future necessary care.

Compensation Procedure

  1. Declaration of the Accident: It is crucial to report the road accident to your insurer as soon as possible. This declaration should include all relevant details of the accident.
  2. Medical Expertise: A medical expert assesses the injuries and possible sequelae to establish a detailed medical report.
  3. Negotiation with the Insurer: Based on the medical report, I will negotiate with the responsible insurer to obtain fair and equitable compensation.
  4. Payment of Compensation: Once an agreement is reached, the insurer pays the compensation to the victim.
  5. Judicial Phase: If no agreement is reached, the case will be debated before a judge with exchanges of conclusions and documents. The judge will then render a decision that will be binding on the insurance company and may, if necessary, be enforced by a bailiff.

Legal Assistance

The compensation procedure can be complex and requires a good understanding of the rules and practices in force. As a lawyer specializing in road traffic law, I assist you throughout the process. I ensure that your rights are respected and that you receive compensation commensurate with the damages suffered.

Important Points

  • Limitation Period: It is important to note that compensation claims must be filed within a certain period after the accident, generally five years in Belgium.
  • Psychological Assistance: In addition to financial compensation, I can refer you to psychological assistance services to help you overcome the trauma of the accident.

For more information or to make an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am at your disposal to advise you and defend your rights.