
Lawyer specialised in road traffic law

Severine Vandekerkove, Lawyer in Brussels
Lawyer for more than

24 years


in traffic law




3 languages


I can help you with your legal problems...


Are you being prosecuted for a traffic offence?

  • I can help you contest your fines.
  • I will defend you before the judge in cases of speeding, drink-driving, hit-and-run, red light running, parking fines, etc.
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Police Court

You have received a summons to appear before a police court?

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Road accident

  • I demonstrate that you are in the right against the author of the accident, the insurance company or an adverse party.
  • I defend victims of traffic accidents in court.
  • I get you fair and equitable compensation.
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The lawyer

About me...

As a lawyer for almost 20 years, I have been able to defend complex cases related to road traffic.
With my experience, I defend each case with a human approach.
The Brussels Bar Association has awarded me the title of specialist lawyer in road traffic law.

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Séverine Vandekerkove

Law firms


Avenue Louise, 523,
2nd floor Silversquare,
1050 Brussels


Rue du Chambge, 10
7500 Tournai

I practice my services in the following cities...

  • Aalst
  • Antwerp
  • Arlon
  • Oudenaarde
  • Beringen
  • Bruges
  • Brussels
  • Charleroi
  • Kortrijk
  • Eupen
  • Furnes
  • Ghent
  • Genk
  • Hall
  • Hasselt
  • Huy
  • Liege
  • Leuven
  • Maaseik
  • Malines
  • Marche-en-Famenne
  • Mons
  • Namur
  • Neufchâteau
  • Nivelles
  • Saint-Nicolas
  • Sint-Truiden
  • Termonde
  • Tongres
  • Tournai
  • Turnhout
  • Verviers
  • Vilvoorde
  • Wavre
  • Ypres
A quality service

Satisfied clients

Séverine Vandekerkove is a lawyer who won an improbable trial in appeal, after conviction in absentia, I called upon her...
Precise answer each time and fast (it is very precious for the one who reads this in despair), I was really not well because I knew I was wrong but I had few extenuating circumstances...
Conclusion, I was released in the course of appeal.
Thanks to you (I took the time to write these words but I had to turn the page... 1 month)
Thanks again...

Séverine Vandekerkove allowed the restitution :
The smile of two adorable children,
The dignity and trust of a father,
These three things were much more important than any court decision, she understood them very well.
I entrusted 3 cases to Master Vandekerkove with little chance of success in my eyes, she succeeded in each of it the impossible and this with a confidence and a disconcerting ease.
One differentiates very quickly the person who practises a trade from the one who practises that passion.

With all my heart, from all I can get, THANK YOU so much for your defense of my speeding ticket.